25 June 2013

Chesterton on Eugenics

G.K. Chesterton's reply to a pamphlet on eugenics by Congressman Frank O. Smith of Maryland: 

"Mr. Smith is an American, and Eugenics is chiefly a denial of the Declaration of Independence. 

It urges that so far from all men being born equal, numbers of them ought not to be born at all. 

And so far as them being entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, they are to be forbidden a form of liberty and happiness that the maddest inquisitor never dreamed of meddling with before. 

 You can find the full essay in "The Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton, vol. 30."

23 June 2013

Prayer for the U.S.A.


Mighty God, you permitted our nation to live with no one ruling over us but you. Our presidents and government were never to reign and rule as monarchs, and our people were never again to be subjects to any mortal authority. You called us to be responsible citizens of a brave and free people whose gift of liberty was to be a shining light for all people throughout the world. But, merciful Lord, we have lost our way. Those raised to authority forget they are the servants of the People. They forget of the account they must give to you for the position of leadership you have permitted them to have. And our people grow fearful and disheartened.

Give us a clear vision of true hope in you, and give us grace to repent of our failures as a people and a nation. Stretch out your arm and remove from authority all who deceive or abuse the people of this land. Raise up the just and wise to take their place. Send forth your Spirit as a mighty wind to blow through our nation and each person till evil has no perch or foothold left. Deliver us from our past arrogance and pride, and make of us a people who are wise stewards of all your gifts to us.

Of your tender mercies, guide us to cherish the life of each one of us and to defend that Liberty without which there is no reason for our nation to exist. Make us courageous in our just pursuits and virtuous in our care of those who need our aid, and please give our nation a second chance to live up to our promise and always and everywhere praise your Holy Name, O Father, Son, and Paraclete, one God in glory everlasting. Amen.

This prayer was written by Vincent W. Uher III.  
You are welcome to reprint it under Creative Commons 3.0-Attribution U.S.

Wisdom from Richard of S. Victor


Do you see that only Truth leads and brings one to this mountain?  Truth leads; Truth is that which guides; I gladly follow Truth; I do not hold suspect such a guide.  Truth knows to lead; Truth does not know how to mislead.  But what is Truth?  

What do you say, good Teacher, teacher Christ, what is Truth?  'I am,' he says, 'the Way, the Truth, and the Life' (John 14:6).  Therefore let one who wishes to ascend to the mountain follow Truth.  Follow Christ, whoever you are who wish to ascend this mountain.  

We have learned from the teaching of the Evangelist: 'Then Jesus took his disciples, viz., Peter, James, and John, and led them into a high mountain apart' (Matt. 17:1).  Thus the disciples of Jesus are led above and apart, that they may take possession of this high mountain.  It is a steep way, a secret way unknown to many, which leads to the summit of this mountain.  

I think only those run without error, only those arrive without impediment, who follow Christ, who are led by Truth.  Whoever hastens to high things, you go in security if Truth goes before you.  Without it you labor in vain.  As Truth does not wish to deceive, so it is not able to be deceived.  If you do not wish to err, follow Christ."

Richard of Saint Victor

Visitation Hymn

Lo, how she brings Life with her
Concealed beneath her heart,
Eve’s daughter, brave and chosen,
God’s partner to his art.
Her will knit with divine will
Desires his Word be done.
For God she weaves within her
The body of their Son.

Elisabeth her cousin
A child will bring to birth –
God’s answer to her longing,
A prophet for the Earth.
“Peace be with you,” said Mary.
Her cousin’s babe did dance
The merry steps of best man:
The Bridegroom’s here, at last.

Elisabeth cried out then,
“The child within me leapt!
When he heard your sweet greeting,
With joy my baby stepped.”
She spoke full of the Spirit,
With insight from the Lord,
“How is it you come to me
The Mother of my Lord?”

The Mother of her Lord, Yes!
Great Mary, Anna’s child,
A daughter born to Israel,
A virgin undefiled,
She sang out as a woman
Brought up on Hannah’s song,
“O praise, my soul, God’s greatness.
Rejoice, our Lord is strong.”

All ages call her blessed
Just as she once foretold.
Blest is she amongst women,
Her Child blest from of old.
Blest is she who believes God
Who carries God’s true Word.
Her Son both God and human
Fulfils great Gabriel’s word.

Our Saviour, God of mercy,
Remembers Abraham’s fold.
Praise God who casts down tyrants.
Rejoice! Our God is bold.
So sing we with blest Mary
To magnify the Lord
Who raised up his handmaiden.
Oh, holy is the Lord!

Copyright © 2006 by Vincent Uher

This may be sung to the tunes: Far Off Lands
or to the new tune Ein Kerem 


At a Wedding Feast in Cana


At a wedding feast in Cana
Jesus, Mary, and their friends
joined to celebrate a marriage-
covenant which on Love depends.
And the party it went on
till the bowls of wine were gone.
Mary nudged her Son Christ Jesus,
urged him to step up and please us.

"Dearest woman, let's have no show.
You know well it's not my time."
Mary smiled and told the servants,
"Follow all his words sublime.
Do whatever he may say.
It's the way he'll save the day."
And the servants did her bidding
and to Jesus all were listening.

Jesus guided all their actions
and turned water into wine.
How amazing this great wonder
his first miracle and sign!
It was not to raise the dead
or to heal as it is said,
but to keep a party going --
this his first and wondrous showing.

Let us hearken then to Mary
and do all that Christ shall say.
Heal the sick and feed the hungry,
love the living of each day.
Walk on water when we must,
make disciples of the lost.
Raise the dead and banish demons.
Preach and teach through all the seasons.

Praise and worship to the Father
Laud and glory to the Son,
For the Holy Spirit muster
songs of joy on every tongue.
With Our Lady walk the way
leading to Christ's glorious day
when the faithful rise to meet him
and rejoicing we will greet him!

Words: © 1998 by Vincent Uher
Music: Genevan Psalm 42 (Comfort, Comfort, Ye My People)
Meter: 8787 7788

For Christmastide and other feasts

All glory be to God on high!
Peace, laud, and joy be our reply
To angels singing in the sky.
Praise Jesus Christ, true light from light.
Tender his love and great his might,
Christ Jesus, Saviour, our delight.

O Word and Widsom, thee we name,
Jesus the infant, God the same.
Praise and all worship to thy Name.
Son of blest Mary, spotless Lamb,
High Priest most holy, Great I AM,
Receive our lives into thy hand.

Praise God for Joseph, sainted man,
Brave Guardian of God’s saving plan,
Protector of the God-made-man.
Praise God for Mary Mother true,
Faithful to Jesus her life through,
Mother of God, our Mother too.

Lord Jesus Christ, most holy Lord,
With thy blest Spirit be adored
In God’s own glory here outpoured.
Joy not to hear thine infant cries!
Hope of the simple and the wise!
Love from all souls to thee arise!

© 2008 by Vincent Uher

TUNE: OLD 113th (O Mensch, bewein), 
Strassburger Kirchenamt, 1525

Bright Torches

Bright torches in the darkest night,
The saints of God as lights yet shine.
Lord, let our witness rise with theirs,
And through their prayers give grace divine.

A dimly burning wick were we, 
But now our faith fills with thy fire
For thou art all consuming love —
Thy perfect will our hearts desire.

Unite thy saints through every age 
And cleansed from sin lift us above,
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One God in glory, one in love. Amen.


Copyright © 2006 by Vincent Uher
This may be sung to the tune Winchester New

Come out and be ye separate

He hath put down the mighty from their seat, 
and hath exalted the humble. 
He hath filled the hungry with good things; 
and the rich he hath sent empty away.  
Luke 1.52,53 (Rheims)



The Lord will not bless warfare conceived by human greed.
Christ never blesses violence, but turns to human need :
he sets his face against all who harm humanity
and raises up peacemakers with his integrity.

Christ, stop the warring madness that makes Earth hell not home.
Christ, rescue all the righteous and save each broken soul.
Christ, weigh the works of nations and see all lies laid bare
For you judge leaders, empires, and peoples unaware.

The Lord of all the ages -- who loves both small and great --
insists we love creation, choose peace not wars of hate;
demands we turn from evil and walk his Way alone.
Christ's love of every person, our Gospel we make known.

© 2008-2013 by Vincent Uher

Suggested tunes:
Passion Chorale (O Sacred Head)
King’s Lynn

Blessed are the peacemakers: 

for they shall be called children of God. Matthew 5.9 (Rheims)

08 June 2013

For this Holy Feast


The following prayer was composed in 1978 by Fr. James T. Moore, PhD, co-founder of the Church of Our Lady of Walsingham in Houston, Texas.  It remains a vital and important prayer to pray... especially today.

O JESUS, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer to you my continual obedience, pleading that all Anglicans seeking union with the Apostolic See of Peter may have the fruition of their hope. By the power of your Divine Spirit so guide the Holy Father in Rome that this union will be accomplished and that what is good and true in our heritage may be preserved to the benefit of the Universal Church. Grant that Anglican bishops and priests longing for this union may be granted continued exercise of the priestly ministry under the authority of the Roman See and that Christians everywhere may once again know the Chair of Peter as that rock upon which your Church on earth is founded, against which hell cannot prevail. Amen.
+Ave Jesu Christe!