29 September 2014

St. Michael and All Angels


For some of us today is the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels and for some of us today is the Feast of the Three Holy Archangels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael.  Whatever we name the feast we praise and thank God for the ministry of care we receive from His holy Angels and Archangels, and we unite our voices with all the choirs of Angels and cry out and sing: SANCTUS, SANCTUS, SANCTUS.

Magnificent statue of Holy Michael Archangel
in Moscow, Russia

The following is a translation of a prayer used by the priest exorcist in the rite of exorcism:

Victor Toropov:
St. Michael the Archangel ikon
Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Army, Holy Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle against the princes and powers and rulers of darkness in this world, against the spiritual iniquities of those former angels. Come to the help of man whom God made in His own image and whom He bought from the tyranny of Satan at a great price. The Church venerates you as her custodian and patron. The Lord confided to your care all the souls of those redeemed, so that you would lead them to happiness in heaven. Pray to the God of peace that He crush Satan under our feet; so that Satan no longer be able to hold men captive and thus injure the Church. Offer our prayers to the Most High God, so that His mercies be given us soon. Make captive that Animal, that Ancient serpent, which is enemy and Evil Spirit, and reduce it to everlasting nothingness, so that it no longer seduce the nations.


26 September 2014

“Empire of Souls” — St. Robert Bellarmine and the Christian Commonwealth


Ah, the next must read has arrived:

Click here to read John M. Vella's appraisal of both the book and St. Robert Bellarmine on the Crisis Magazine website.


When Catholics Stand Up


From Deep in the Heart of Texas


J.M. Neale: Liturgy of S. James


Part of the great sorrow of Hurricane Ike was not so much the destruction of my home by its winds and flood waters but it was the destruction of my library which after so many years of careful conservation simply perished.  Among the lost volumes was a first edition of Neale and Littledale's The Liturgies of SS. Mark, James, Clement, Chrysostom, and Basil,  and the Church of Malabar.

Recently a most generous friend made it possible for me to acquire a replacement volume albeit a Sixth Edition printing.  I am very grateful to have the text in hand.  We can all be glad to have PDF and EPub versions of many of these books, but for an old liturgical dinosaur like me nothing can replace a printed book in my hands.

The Revd Dr. J.M. Neale
I spent time today reacquainting myself with the sainted Dr. Neale's translation of the Liturgy of S. James of Jerusalem.  It may sound odd, but to me it was like encountering a long lost friend.  In the text quoted below the choir and people would respond Kyrie eleison or Lord, have mercy after each petition. I think it best to intend to pray when reading such a text, and I hope in reading it, dear reader, you will find it a fit vehicle for your prayer:

The Deacon says,

Let us all say, LORD, have mercy.

LORD, Almighty, GOD of our Fathers, we beseech Thee to hear us.

For the peace that is from above, and the salvation of our souls, let us make our supplication to the LORD.

For the peace of the whole world, and the unity of the holy Churches of GOD, let us make our supplication to the LORD.

For the salvation and succour of all the CHRIST-loving people, we beseech Thee to hear us.  That we may be delivered from all affliction, wrath, danger, and necessity, bondage, bitter death, and our iniquities, we beseech Thee to hear us.

For the people that is standing round about, and expecting the rich and great mercy that is from Thee, we beseech Thee, be compassionate and have mercy.
Save, O Lord, Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance.

Visit Thy world in mercy and loving-kindnesses.
Raise the horn of Christians, by the might of the precious and quickening Cross.
We beseech Thee, o LORD of many mercies, hear us who supplicate Thee, and have mercy.

People (thrice.) LORD, have mercy.

Deacon. For the forgiveness of our sins, and the remission of our offensces, and that we may be preserved from all affliction, wrath, danger, and necessity, let us make our supplication to the LORD.

Let us beseech from the LORD, that we may pass through this whole day in perfectness, holiness, peace, and sinlessness.

Let us beseech from the LORD, an Angel of peace, a faithful guide, guardian of our souls and bodies.

Let us beseech from the LORD, pardon and remission of our sins and transgressions.

Let us beseech from the LORD, such things as are good and convenient for our souls, and peace to the world.

Let us beseech from the LORD, that we may accomplish the remainder of our lives in peace and health.

Let us beseech that the ends of our life may be Christian, without pain, and without shame, and a good answer at the dreadful and fearful judgment-seat of CHRIST.

Priest. For Thou art the good tidings, and the illumination, the Saviour and the Guardian of our souls and bodies, GOD, and Thy Only-Begotten SON, and Thy all-holy SPIRIT, now and ever.
People. Amen.

Priest. Commemorating our all-holy, spotless, exceeding glorious Lady, the Mother of GOD, and ever-Virgin Mary, with all Saints, and just men, let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life to CHRIST our GOD.

People. To Thee, O LORD.

Priest. O GOD, Who hast sounded into our ears Thy divine and salutary oracles, illuminate the souls of us sinners to the comprehension of that which has been before read, so that we may not only be seen to be hearers of spiritual things, but doers of good works, following after faith without guile, blameless life, conversation without charge of guilt.

Exclamation. In CHRIST JESUS our LORD with Whom Thou art blessed, with Thy most holy and good and quickening SPIRIT. now and ever, and to ages of ages.
People. Amen.

25 September 2014

‘Warnings from Our Lady’, et al.


I was with a bishop in North America the day after the world learned of the death of Sister Lucia of Fátima.  He was thrilled she was dead.  “Now the Church can live without being governed by these hysterical fantasies of apparition” — I was appalled but not entirely surprised. These days I do not move in such circles, and daily try very hard to keep both my prayer and my focus upon the Lord Jesus Christ and intercession for the salvation of the human family. Does it matter who the bishop was?  No. Pray for all of them to do the will of the Lord Jesus Christ and have a love of the Mother of God. Pray.

Sadly, I have met many in the Church who have very little interest in things spiritual or even interest in God.  They believe in the Church as an entirely human institution for community building and achieving 'peace and justice' with a particular preference for remediation of the plight of the poor.

But this 'Church' I have just described is a false Church that does not produce saints nor does it work to save souls for the Living God and His Christ through the outpouring of His Spirit. As a convert I have had to remove myself from this false Church.  There is always a faithful parish or monastery that one can find.  

Confession time: during an Assumption Mass in a Cathedral Basilica after the celebrant preached that one could imagine the Assumption as an 'event of the imagination of the human spirit', I simply got up and walked out.  If the priest could not be counted on to preach the dogma of the Church, could this priest be trusted to intend to confect the Eucharist? Sometimes you must guard your soul, get up, and drive to the next parish over.  And, yes, sometimes you must even find a job in another place so as to leave an archdiocese or diocese where the sheep are endangered by a hireling and not a shepherd.

So, dear reader, I am acquainted with the great storms that trouble the Catholic Church.  I try to act prudently even though sometimes my actions appear to be precipitous at best.  In all things I try to follow the Apostle's admonishment and work out my salvation in fear and trembling. I pray for all the ordained and religious knowing what a dark and difficult time this can be for the faithful in leadership.  

At times I feel as though I am a ship in a storm without a port of safe harbour in sight when I am in a town or city where the local parish or diocese has less spiritual vitality or commitment than some fallen away liberal Protestants I know. Some times I have had to endure such a situation for a very long time.  

Other times I have found myself in a parish where it seems to me that the Divine Presence of the Lord is overwhelming and His joy palpable. The Light of the Lord rises up in such a place and flows outward into the surrounding environs blessing both field and forest, the cites of men, and ‘much cattle’.

Such is the road we take in this world that we will encounter all sorts and conditions of folk and parishes, but we should never allow negative or even diabolical encounters to drive us from the Church.  If anything, we should become more resolute, seek healing from the Lord for any injuries incurred, and take up the Cross and the Rosary with confidence and hope for the future.

In these days that are so sad for the world in so many places, where the Church seems to be led by the weakest of men on the one hand and rock stars on the other, I simply choose to anchor myself between the Eucharistic Lord Jesus Christ and His most holy and all-glorious Mother Mary.  I know no other place of safety upon the earth or even within the Church.

With regard to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady has given many warnings in her apparitions.  Very few ever listen.  Some ordinary folk never hear about such things. For the last decade I have been both aware and attentive to the warnings of Our Lady of Good Counsel. There is a video on YouTube entitled  Warnings from Our Lady that includes this apparition as well as other apparitions including that of Our Lady to Sister Agnes in Akita, Japan — the message of which played a part in the long road to my departure from the Anglican Communion and my reconciliation with the Catholic Church. You may view this video below if you should like:


23 September 2014

New Skete: Optional Petitions


I have a new appreciation for the 1987 book of Divine Liturgies produced by the Orthodox Church in America's New Skete.  How can one not be grateful for their revival of the Divine Liturgy of Saint James of Jerusalem? Perhaps you would like to listen to the monks and nuns singing Psalm 103 (102) from the Liturgy of St. James: click here.

Again and again, I look at their interpretation and translation and think how much better these liturgies would be for the health and spiritual well-being of the faithful of the Latin rite who must endure the sub-standard celebrations of the Novus Ordo Missae that are to be found in so many Latin rite parishes around the world.

To be clear I do not oppose the Novus Ordo Missae of Pope Paul VI in itself. I think in shape and scope it is well-suited for celebrations of Daily Mass or where saying the Holy Mass must be undertaken in difficult circumstances or even underground. But too frequently the Sunday celebration of Holy Mass at the average Latin rite parish is like unto a fast food meal —it will leave you fat, happy, sick, and starving for real nutrition.  
What we all need, however, is that foretaste of the Wedding Feast of the Lamb that delivers to us the medicine of immortality, that satisfies our deepest hungers, and that slakes our thirst with the wine of genuine joy in Christ.  ...
N’est-ce pas?

At the moment I have been taken with a set of optional petitions which can be added to the litanies in the liturgies in the volume from New Skete. How much better are these prayers than much of what is said at the Prayers of the Faithful at each Ordinary Form Mass:


For all christians who are made to suffer on account of Christ, as well as for those who persecute them, let us pray to the Lord.

For an end to schisms and divisions of all kinds, that we may become perfectly one, let us pray to the Lord.

For all the victims of war and civil strife, of hunger and want, of intolerance and injustice, and of every evil, let us pray to the Lord.

For the blessed repose of the servant[s] of God, and he says the name or names, and that their memory may be eternal, let us pray to the Lord.

For the blessed and ever-memorable founders of this holy temple, and for all our brothers and sisters who have gone before us and who are laid to rest here or through the world, let us pray to the Lord.

For those who are learning the faith, and for those who do not yet believe as well as for those who have lost their faith, that the Lord will have mercy on them and teach them the word of truth, that he will reveal to them the good news of the forgiveness of sins and the path to righteousness, and that he will unite them to his holy, catholic, and apostolic church, let us pray to the Lord.

For the servant[s] of God, and he says the name or names, that he will grant him [or her or them] mercy, peace, life health, salvation, divine visitation, and the remission of all his [or her or their] sins, let us pray to the Lord.

And other such intentions should be formulated in the same way as the foregoing

The Divine Liturgy
The Monks of New Skete
Orthodox Church in America
Cambridge, New York

Christaraksha: Powerful Prayer of the Cross

I know that this prayer is known by many of the baptised and the religious of the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church.  Perhaps, dear reader, it is unfamiliar to you, or perhaps you have read it before in a previous post of mine - one may even wonder why I post it again.

The answer is simple: we need this prayer.  We need to pray it. I need to pray it or something like it every single day together with Paternoster, Ave Maria, and Gloria Patri

Pray it over your children and loved ones before they leave for the day. Pray it for yourself by day or by night. Pray it as part of your family prayers or rosary and simply change the "you" to me or us as is appropriate for your situation.

Although this is my personal opinion, I pray you will make daily use of this prayer or something like it.  I entreat you to take this as seriously as if "when the bridge is out, I told you the bridge is out, so you would not come to frustration or harm."  

So then, let us pray,

May the Cross of the Son of God,
which is mightier than all the hosts of satan
and more glorious than all the hosts of heaven,
abide with you in your going out and your coming in.

By day and night, at morning and at evening,
at all times and in all places may it protect and defend you.

From the wrath of evildoers,
from the assaults of evil spirits
from foes visible and invisible
from the snares of the devil,
from all passions that beguile the soul and body:

may the Cross of Christ guard, protect and deliver you. Amen

from India

21 September 2014

A Prayer from Father Field's Prayer Book


Today I suspect very few Episcopalians and Anglicans will remember the Father Field's Prayer Book published by the Cowley Fathers, but it stands as a monument to Anglo-Catholic faith and devotion in the Anglican Communion.  I believe Father Field, SSJE began work on the volume when he first was at S. Clement's in Philadelphia as part of his work with the Guild of the Iron Cross, but of this I am not certain.  The entire volume is a treasure, and within it the following prayer is a favourite of mine for its original source and its Anglican adaptation here.

ALMIGHTY GOD, we thine unworthy servants do beseech thee, for the merits of thy dear Son, and through his blessed Sacrifice, to have mercy upon us. Deal not with us after our sins, but according to thy great love and mercy. Send down thy Holy Spirit upon us all, through the appointed channels of grace in thy Church, for the sanctification of soul and body — for bringing forth the fruit of good works — for the remission of sins — and for life everlasting.

We entreat thee. O God, for thy Holy Catholic Church : furnish her plentifully with the rich gifts of thy Holy Spirit. Look down upon her in her captivity. Visit her with thy salvation, and grant her grace to serve thee in the beauty of holiness.

Remember, O Lord, the holy bishops in thy Church (especially thy servant our Bishop). Endow them with wisdom, and fill them with the Holy Ghost, that they may rightly divide and uprightly walk in the word of truth.

Remember, Lord, all the priests and deacons who serve at thy holy altar (especially of this church and parish), and preserve them unspotted in their ministry.

Remember, O Lord, all who bring forth fruit and do good works in thy Holy Church — all who are mindful of the poor, the sick, widows, orphans, strangers, and outcasts, and all who desire to be remembered in our prayers.

And we commend unto thee all sick persons, especially those now departing. Grant unto the sick, if it be thy will, restoration to health, and give pardon and peace to the souls of the dying.

Remember also, we beseech thee, thy servants who have gone before us with the seal of the Faith, and now rest in the sleep of peace. Grant unto them, O Lord, eternal rest, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

And grant that we, when we depart hence, may all find mercy and favour with all thy saints who from the beginning of the world have pleased thee in their several generations — Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, and every just spirit made perfect in the faith of thy Christ, from righteous Abel unto this day. May we, with them, rest among the faithful in Paradise, with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, where sorrow and sighing are banished away, where the light of thy countenance shines continually ; and vouchsafe to bring us to the full enjoyment of thy heavenly kingdom. And dispose the end of our lives, O Lord, in peace, that they may be Christian, well pleasing to thee, and free from sin; that so, with that innumerable company before thy throne, we may sing praises for evermore. And this we pray through Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Father Chas. Field, SSJE

A Book of Prayers 
for All Churchmen

“Father Field's 
Prayer Book”
1944 edition

Society of 
Saint John the Evangelist
Cambridge, Massachussetts
Pages 46 -47


17 September 2014

Canon A.M. Allchin: ‘A Taste of Liberty’

“What is being said here? First, that the once for all event of Christ, his life and teaching, his death and Resurrection, is only the first part of the work of God for man's healing and restoration. What was done once for all, in a certain time and a certain place, is now to become alive and real in all times and in all places. The Son of God, the Redeemer, gives order and structure to this world. The Spirit, the Life-Giver, produces life and variety, multiplicity and richness. And this second activity that is carried forward in the life and experience of each Christian, is something which can rightly be compared with that first great act of God in Christ Jesus.  Jesus promised his disciples that they would do the same or indeed greater works than he did.  Following on God's Incarnation, his taking our nature into himself, there comes at Pentecost man's inspiration, God's breathing his Spirit into the very life and being of man so that we should become sharers in his nature.

“As such, we need order consistency and faithfulness in our lives, of course, but that does not mean that they must be rigid, monotonous or uneventful. Quite the reverse is true. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Life and fruitfulness; he gives more than we expect, and whenever we meet life, human or divine, we find it to be unexpected. This breathing of the Spirit of God into the life and being of man enables the new community, the new reality of the Church to come into being so that we can live to the full the new life in Christ and become sharers in his nature.

“This is a very high and demanding teaching, but it is also an immensely strengthening one.  It helps us to make sense of aspects of our faith which are often difficult for people of our generation who are vividly aware of the immense size and age of the universe and of the length and complexity of human history. How can all that, we ask, be centred and summed up in one life and death? Can the Church really always be turning back to those thirty years in Galilee and Jerusalem — that one afternoon on the hill of the Cross? Our faith tells us that to the unique and unrepeatable work of God in the Incarnation of his Son, there corresponds another work going on constantly, the work of the Spirit, who is also Lord, who is the giver, the creator of life and growth. And it is the Spirit who makes us share in the very life and vitality of God himself. There is another work being carried forward through all nations in all centuries which multiplies and diversifies the action of God and lifts man up into union with the divine.”

The Revd Father Donald Allchin

A Taste of Liberty 
pp. 11-12
Convent of the Incarnation
Fairacres Oxford
© The Sisters of the Love of God 1982


11 September 2014

Facing East in Greenville, South Carolina

I wanted to commend an article on The New Liturgical Movement blog regarding the return to celebrating Holy Mass ad orientem — facing east — at the very remarkable parish of St. Mary's in Greenville, South Carolina.  

Please do read the article as it provides excellent food for thought on why a parish should return to celebrations where priest and people face East or as said in my youth, Facing God Together — at Masses celebrated according to the Ordinary Form.

Please click HERE to read Ben Yanke's article.  Please scroll downwards to find the article in question.

09 September 2014

Some Thoughts on Heaven by Austin Farrer


The following is an excerpt from Austin Farrer's classic Saving Belief :

1. To hope for heaven has nothing particularly selfish about it.  No one ever thought he could keep heaven to himself.

2. Heaven is not a cash payment for walking with God; it's where the road goes.

3. Heaven isn't an optional extra; our belief is nonsense without it.

4. Our reason for believing it isn't that nature point to it, but that it leads us to itself.

I should like to develop the last point a bit.  Heaven is nothing that created nature produces; it is a new creation.  Two consequences follow from this.  The first is, that we have no interest in trying to isolate a piece of us called 'soul', which tends to outlive the body's collapse.  Our immortality is the new gift of God, not the survival of our old nature, whether in whole or in part.  It was pagan Greeks who talked about immortal soul; and with reason; for (to put it shortly) they thought the human spirit was a piece of godhead, able to guarantee immortal being to itself.  The religion of the Bible teaches no such doctrine.  God alone can give us a future.  It is better, then, to talk about the resurrection of man than about the immortality of 'soul'.  Belief in resurrection is belief not in ourselves, but in God who raises us.  It is in fact the acid test, whether we believe in God or not.  A God who raises the dead is a real power; he is not just a fanciful name for the order of nature, whether physical or moral.  A God so identified with the natural order that he adds nothing to it is difficult to distinguish from the world he rules, or from the laws which govern it.

Old Indian thought evaded the issue by making the cycle of the soul's rebirths a part of nature, like the seasons and the tides.  And as the lazy mind need not distinguish the God of the tides from the tides, neither need it distinguish the cycles of rebirth from the God of the cycles.  But when we realise that man's person, the living image of God, is bound to be sucked down in the whirlpool of decay, unless God rescues it; then faith in God begins to mean something.  It alters the whole picture.

Austin Farrer

Austin Farrer
Saving Belief
pp. 120-121
Library of Anglican Spirituality
Susan Howatch, ed.

“Born in 1904, the son of a Baptist minister, Austin Farrer was ordained an Anglican priest and served in Oxford as chaplain and fellow of both St Edmund’s Hall and Trinity College before becoming Warden of Keble College, a post he held until his death in 1968. Austin Farrer was a renowned preacher, philosopher and biblical scholar as well as being regarded for his humour, originality, eloquence and deep spirituality. His life was rooted in prayer. He wrote, ‘Prayer and dogma are inseparable. They alone can explain each other’.” — from The Diocese of Oxford, Church of England.

Ancient Russian Chant: By the Waters of Babylon (Псалом 136)


The harmonies of ancient Russian chant at times sound very contemporary.  There was a time when some in the Russian Church were ashamed of this primitive music with its own unusual rules and occasional dissonances.  But in recent decades this repertoire has found new life and widespread appreciation.

Sung by СиринSirin Ensemble 

На реках Вавилонских 
(Псалом 136)

На реках Вавилонских, тамо седохом и плакахом,
Внегда помянути нам Сиона.
И рыдают сидящие у чужих берегов,
Путь, которым ведут, как ты страшен!
И в молчаньи на вербиих посреде его
Обесихом органы наша.
Но отчаянье пленных не радует глаз,
И чтоб путь этот был интересней,
Вопросиша ны тамо пленшии нас
О словесех песней.
О, ведущие в плен, о, служители тьмы,
Что глумитесь над болью людей?
Како воспоем песнь Господню мы,
Находясь на земли чуждей?
Мы молитвою к Богу боль утолим
И в чужих необжитых краях.
Аще забуду тебе, Иерусалим,
Забвена буди десница моя!
О, ведущие в плен, притупите мечи,
Богу нашему мы и без вас воспоем
Окаянная дочь, вавилонская дщи,
Да воздастся тебе воздаянье твое.
Так возми же органы, плененный народ,
Зазвучи серебро под руками.
Вавилонская дочь, наш Господь разобьет
Младенцы твоя о камень.


08 September 2014

From the vault: Syriac Choir of Nouri Iskander, Aleppo


Shall we not weep for Syria and her Christian children?

A remembrance of things past:


07 September 2014

As 9/11 draws near: Why Are We Afraid


The Islamic Jihad has never ended.  It began with Mohammed and continues on even into the present day.  The video embedded below is not the sort of thing I would normally put on my blog, but it is necessary to educate Christians and to overcome the lies and myths that have been taught about Islam since 9/11.  It is not a religion of peace, and its destructive force in human history is almost without peer.

Some may find the accent and the manner of the gentleman presenting this video to be grating, but it is well worth putting up with any difficulty to the learn the facts that he has to present both about Islam and to a lesser extent about the Crusades:

Jesus Christ is Lord.

04 September 2014

Of Marian Consecration & Evangelisation


On Catholic Exchange there is a wonderful article entitled "When a Father Leads 12,000: Marian Consecration & Evangelization" by Dave McClow.  I am always interested in the many different ways our fellow Catholics seek to enter into and live out the New Evangelisation first called for by Pope St. John Paul II.  There is much in this article for anyone who loves the Blessed Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ:

Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades leads at least 12,000 Catholics in the diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, in the Marian consecration as part of the New Evangelization effort. In Part 1 I will primarily lay out the “what” of the consecration, and in Part 2 I will focus on the “how” of this very significant event.

The New Evangelization only changes the “who”—the baptized who have left the Church or who don’t know their faith—and the “how”—the methods used to get out the old message of the Gospel of God’s mercy. The New Evangelization seeks to deepen the faith of the baptized, to cultivate “a personal encounter with Christ.” A particularly well-known archbishop from Krakow, Poland, would call it “the enrichment of faith” and claimed that it was “the purpose of the Vatican II” and is “the basis of any realization of the Council and any renewal of the Church” (Sources of Renewal, p. 16). In case you missed it, he says even more emphatically: “This is the direction which should be followed by all pastoral action, the lay apostolate and the whole of the Church’s activity” (p.18). Vatican II was to address the duplicity or hypocrisy of Catholics not living out their faith well. The enrichment of faith should focus on “What does it mean to be a believing member of the Church?” (p. 17) and on forming “attitudes springing from a well-formed conscience” (p. 19). If we were to say it in everyday language, the purpose of Vatican II was to move our faith from our heads to our hearts so that we can live it out fully. It is a profound conversion and transformation, “making all things new.” Somehow I missed the memo on this purpose of Vatican II until Fr. Michael Gaitley pointed it out at the TOB Congress last month.

You may finish reading the article by clicking HERE please.

God bless us all with His peace in Jesus Christ the Righteous.


02 September 2014

MMR Vaccine, Autism, and CDC

No you cannot blindly trust a scientist or a doctor, and no one should trust any agency or department of the U.S.A.'s federal government.  Why anyone with half a mind would trust the US government regarding anything at this point can only be explained by life-long programming to 'obey and trust' The-Powers-That-Be together with general brain-washing through multiple aspects of the US culture.

Aaron Dykes & Melissa Melton: "What is relevant is this man and his team omitted data from the 2004 study CDC published in the journal Pediatrics that clearly showed a 340% increase in autism risk with MMR shots in little African American children. What were the risks to the rest of the kids and what else has that man and his colleagues defrauded the public ABOUT? This is the same guy who went on to coauthor a study on the safety of THIMEROSAL!
"Can officials like Dr. Colleen Boyle, a co-author on this bunk study and director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) at the CDC, be trusted when she tells Congress in sworn testimony that there is no connection between vaccines and autism?"

Is this not obvious racism with no one at the CDC giving a damn about African-American children. Clearly, the main thing these 'experts' at the CDC care about is continuing the vaccination money train.  Hence, no one can trust anything coming out of the USA's CDC (Center for Disease Control). 

All U.S.A. vaccinations of infants, children, and young adults should stop immediately.  And pregnant women should never be vaccinated during their pregnancies.  

For those of us who are Catholic, we must raise the alarm that vaccines derived from aborted babies' tissues are not only immoral to use but must not ever be used on the children of the Faithful.  
