24 December 2021



by Vincent Uher

Now light your lamps, ye Christians wise
and gather 'neath Christ's Star.
The Light of lights, the Prince of Peace
has come here from afar.
No warrior he, the Word made flesh,
the servant of us all,
the Child whose breathing brings us peace,
whose heartbeat saves us all.

God's mother's face reveals his light
as moon shines by the sun,
And Joseph's eyes filled full with joy
gleam bright with God's own Son.
O Christ our God, true face of God
now cradled in their arms,
O please accept what gifts we bring:
our hearts, our minds, our love.

Child Jesus, hear our fervent prayer
for peace to reign on earth,
for great and small, for rich and poor,
for each to know their worth.
Though fallen be the human race
and sin and hate abound
give peace to all for in each face
thy image still is found.

O sing, you blessed company
of faithful people, Sing !
for God the Child whose very light
demands the darkness flee.
O Trinity of endless light,
with love our praise we bring
where Wisdom found a cave for house
to bring forth earth's true king.

Copyright © 2007 Vincent Uher
(May be sung to the tune FOREST GREEN)

18 December 2021

4 Advent: Uher Hymn- SING OF MARY, BLEST IS SHE


Sing of Mary, blest is she!
Mother of the Saviour!
"Yes!" said she to Gabriel's plea,
"Yes!" to God forever.
"Yes!" for every woman born.
"Yes!" for every nation.
"Yes!" for all of the unborn.
"Yes!" for all creation.

Sing of Joseph, vexed was he,
Troubled and perplex-ed
Till an angel in a dream
Peace to him directed.
"Take the Virgin as your wife.
Love her baby wholly.
Love the infant as your life.
He's God's Son most holy."

Sing of Jesus, blest is he
In the Lord's Name coming,
Born in great humility
Every person loving,
Prince of Peace and Counsellor--
Wonderful the telling!--
Came to earth to save us all
And to share his blessing.

Mary, Joseph join us now
And all saints in glory
As we tell his love for all
In the sacred story.
Angels, shepherds, and the kings
To Christ's side are running.
Let all people ready now
For his second coming.

Glory be to God on high!
Glory in the highest!
Peace on earth, goodwill to all
From the Lord Most Highest.
Blessings come for everyone,
Graces to God's credit
From the Father with the Son
Through the Holy Spirit. 

Words: Copyright © 1996-2006 by Vincent Uher. 
Music: Tempus adest floridum (Piae Cantiones)
Meter: 76 76 D

Double click to enlarge music above

08 December 2021

Closing of the Holy Year of St Joseph

8 December A.D. 2021

Saint Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer, pray for us.

Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his only Son;
in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.

Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage,
and defend us from every evil.  Amen.

There is also an older article in Crisis Magazine concerning St. Joseph that may interest you: 

18 July 2021

Austin Farrer: The Lifting of Our Hearts to the Lord

The Reverend Dr Austin Farrer writes:

WHEN we exchange between us the words of the Sursum Corda
the lifting of our hearts to the Lord 
will be more than a pious aspiration, 
it will be a divine fact.  
The sacrament is the presence of Jesus Christ, 
and Jesus Christ is in heaven.  
He stoops to us in this Sacrament, 
as he does through his whole incarnation; 
but he stoops to lift us to himself.  
In a true mystery, not in edifying fancy, 
we are with him in that divine place.  
There is the whole Church of God; 
there are the saints who pray for us in their glory, 
and there by the power of hope are the souls, for whom we pray 
that they may speedily be joined with the saints.  
The saints, the souls departed 
and the Church on earth in every place 
are one life and one prayer 
through Christ their High Priest.  
The effort, in mutual communion, 
of each spirit living or departed is requisite 
for the perfection of the Body of Christ.  
All are the support of each, 
and the whole hangs upon heaven in a point 
which is the Lord Jesus.

Weekly Paragraphs for the Holy Sacrament 
By Austin Farrer 
Dacre Press, Westminster 

01 March 2021

Archdiocese of New Orleans says "NO" to Johnson & Johnson's "vaccine"


"The Archdiocese of New Orleans is warning local Roman Catholics that the newly authorized Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine is "morally compromised" and should be avoided in favor of other vaccines because of its connection to abortion.   

"The Church issued a statement on the matter Friday, saying that cells used to develop, test and produce the one-dose shot are derived from abortions performed in the 1970s and 1980s.

"The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is "morally compromised, as it uses the abortion-derived cell line in development and production of the vaccine as well as the testing," the statement said."