14 August 2008
Jeremy Taylor and Eucharistic Sacrifice, Part Four
The following prayers are prayers to be said before Reception of the Holy Communion in Taylor's Eucharistic Liturgy which he authored for use during the period when the Book of Common Prayer was banned. The use of material from the Eastern Orthodox Divine Liturgies is self-evident:
O Blessed Jesus, my Lord and My God, thou art the celestial food and the life of every man that cometh unto thee. I have sinned against Heaven and before thee, and am not worthy to partake of these holy Mysteries : but thou art my merciful Saviour : Grant that I may religiously, thankfully, and without reproof partake of thy blessed Body and Blood for the remission of my sins, and unto life eternal. Amen.
I Believe, O God, and confess that thou art Christ the Son of the living God, who came into the World to save Sinners, whereof I am chief. Lord, make me this day partaker of thy heavenly Table ; for thou dost not give thy secrets to thy Enemies, but to the Sons of thine own House. Let me never give thee a Judas kiss ; I confess thee and thy glories, I invocate thee and thy mercies : I trust upon thee and thy goodness like the Thief upon the Cross ; Lord, remember me in thy Kingdom, with the remembrances of an everlasting love. Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under my roof ; but as thou didst vouchsafe to lie in a Manger with Beasts, and to enter into the house of Simon the leper, nor didst despise the repenting Harlot when she kissed thy Feet ; so vouchsafe to lodge in my Soul, though it be a place of beastly affections and unreasonable passions ; throw them out and dwell there for ever ; purifie my Soul, accept the Sinner, cleanse the Leper, so shall I be worthy to partake of this divine Banquet. Amen.