I have no other dream than to conform myself at every moment with the suffering and Eucharistic life of our Divine Saviour, to unite my host with His Host, so that my heart may be consecrated with His Heart to the Glory of the Father for the salvation of the world. For the more my life is submitted to God and in conformity with the Redeemer, the more I shall participate in the achievement of His Work.
29 April 2010
"I have no other dream ..."
I have no other dream than to conform myself at every moment with the suffering and Eucharistic life of our Divine Saviour, to unite my host with His Host, so that my heart may be consecrated with His Heart to the Glory of the Father for the salvation of the world. For the more my life is submitted to God and in conformity with the Redeemer, the more I shall participate in the achievement of His Work.
24 April 2010
His Excellency Bishop Edward J. Slattery
Celebrated at the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
In Washington, D.C., on 24 April 2010
On EWTN I just heard the finest sermon I have heard in years. It was given by His Excellency The Most Reverend Edward J. Slattery of Tulsa. The quote above was toward the end of the profound homily delivered by His Grace. I feel so blest being able to participate through the televised broadcast on EWTN.
Now the overflowing assembly are singing the Credo with such passion and conviction I am in tears.
Praise God in His holiness! Praise God in His holy temple, all the earth!
Update: the text of Bishop Slattery's sermon can be found on the Te Deum Laudamus blog.
The written text is of course slightly different from the spoken word so you will want to visit Fr. Zed's blog for an Mp3 of the sermon as well as a transcription with Fr. Zed's commentary.
Click here for the text of the "Hymn for the Year of Priestly Jubilee" written in honour of Bishop Slattery and Fr. Mark Daniel Kirby. And on the CMAA's website is my text set to a new tune by Catholic composer Noel Jones.
19 April 2010
This is a simple invitation to listen to RADIO WALSINGHAM ONLINE which has been a project and an apostolate of mine over the last few years.
I hope you will find the music beautiful and the variety of the material ... breathtaking!
And a hot tip: become a VIP Member of Live365.com and listen to RADIO WALSINGHAM without secular commercial interruptions... a much more enjoyable experience.
A Blessed Paschaltide to you all!
15 April 2010
Of the need for Repentance and Penance
While I may quibble with the author of this article entitled Pope Benedict says Catholic Church must 'do penance' , I believe it is worth a glance as I am convinced that these difficult times for the Church and for the Holy Father are an excellent opportunity for righting the course of the Barque of St. Peter through the Episcopate leading the Church in repentance and corporate penance that leads to more true devotion to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament as well as devotion to His Most Holy Mother Mary. The article can be found at this URL : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8622671.stm.
The following I quote from the BBC article:
'Penance is a grace'
During Mass at the Vatican on Thursday, Pope Benedict appeared to make his first reference to the issue since 20 March, when he sent a letter to the Irish people about the abuse scandal in their country.
Pope Benedict XVI |
"I must say, we Christians, even in recent times, have often avoided the word 'repent', which seemed too tough," he said.
"But now, under attack from the world which talks to us of our sins, we can see that being able to do penance is a grace and we see how necessary it is to do penance and thus recognise what is wrong in our lives."
The Pope said this involved "opening oneself up to forgiveness, preparing oneself for forgiveness, allowing oneself to be transformed".
He also hit back at critics of the Church, portraying them as in the thrall of a conformist dictatorship.
"Conformism which makes it obligatory to think and act like everyone else, and the subtle - or not so subtle - aggression towards the Church, demonstrate how this conformism can really be a true dictatorship," he said.
Earlier this month, the pontiff's personal preacher was forced to apologise for having highlighted a comparison between criticism of the Church over the abuse allegations and "the collective violence suffered by the Jews".
In a sermon, Father Raniero Cantalamessa quoted a Jewish friend who said that attacks on the Church echoed "the most shameful aspects of anti-Semitism", such as the use of stereotypes and the spreading of collective guilt.
11 April 2010
Novena for H.H. Pope Benedict XVI
I have tremendous respect for the Holy Father and find the current forward assault against him both pathetic and shabby. Humanity is beset by sexual crimes and sexual criminals, and in this broken, fallen world -- although horrifying and tragic -- it is not surprising to see some of these criminals among the clergy of the Church. Those of us who recall the rise of Communism in the 20th century may also remember that the Church's great enemies in Russia and in the Communist Parties of the world had a programme of infiltration to put all sorts of traitors into the ordained ministries of the Catholic Church. Bella Dodd made this abundantly clear to a generation of Catholics who grew up with Archbishop Fulton Sheen on radio and then television.
Now it is a separate matter when one discusses the way the local bishops dealt with these sexual fiends in the clergy. The episcopate in general has yet to don sackcloth and ashes appropriate to their tremendous failure in protecting the children of God. I am profoundly convinced that until the episcopate repents and does corporate penance led by the Holy Father, the Church will struggle in a most painful, public way against her enemies. However, if the episcopate engaged in public corporate penance they could then lead humanity in corporate penance for all of the sexual crimes against children and adolescents all over the world. A penitent, humble, and humbled Church can lead humanity to God.
At this moment it

This novena may begin on The First Sunday after Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday), April 11th, and conclude on Monday, April 19th, the fifth anniversary of the Holy Father’s election.
O God, who art the Pastor and Governor of them that put their trust in thee; look down in mercy on thy servant Benedict, whom thou has chosen to be pastor and ruler of thy Church. Grant unto him, we beseech thee, a spirit of courage and right judgement, that he and all thy whole Church may be preserved and strengthened against every adversity; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost ever, one God, world without end. Amen.
V. Let us pray for the Holy Father, Pope Benedict.
R. May the Lord preserve him, give him a long life, make him blessed upon the earth, and not hand him over to the power of his enemies.
V. May thy hand, O Lord, be upon thy servant;
R. Whom thou hast anointed, to be a priest forever after the order of Melchisedek.
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…
03 April 2010
Holy Saturday A.D. 2010
O JESUS, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer to you my continual obedience, pleading that all Anglicans seeking union with the Apostolic See of Peter may have the fruition of their hope. By the power of your Divine Spirit so guide the Holy Father in Rome that this union will be accomplished and that what is good and true in our heritage may be preserved to the benefit of the Universal Church. Grant that Anglican bishops and priests longing for this union may be granted continued exercise of the priestly ministry under the authority of the Roman See and that Christians everywhere may once again know the Chair of Peter as that rock upon which your Church on earth is founded, against which hell cannot prevail. Amen.

To Our Lady of Walsingham
O blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham, Mother of God and our most gentle Queen and Mother, look down in mercy upon us, our parish, our country, our homes, and our families, and upon all who greatly hope and trust in your prayers. By you it was that Jesus, our Savior and hope, was given to the world; and he has given you to us that we may hope still more. Plead for us your children, whom you did receive and accept at the foot of the Cross, O sorrowful Mother. Intercede for our separated brethren, that with us in the one true fold they may be united to the Chief Shepherd, the Vicar of your Son. Pray for us all, dear Mother, that by faith fruitful in good works we all may be made worthy to see and praise God, together with you in our heavenly home. Amen.