For whoever believes in the power of the Blood of Jesus,
nothing is impossible.

Today I understand that the Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary uses a new English translation of the Canticle, but liturgically I prefer the diction of the first translation — which one may find in Celtic Daily Prayer and printed below.
I praise the Wounds
and the Blood of the Lamb
I praise the Wounds and the Blood of the Lamb
that heals the weakness of my body,
I praise the Wounds and the Blood of the Lamb
I praise the Wounds and the Blood of the Lamb
that heals the weakness of my soul,
I praise the Wounds and the Blood of the Lamb
I praise the Wounds and the Blood of the Lamb
that heals the weakness of my spirit!
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His forgiving power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His cleansing power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His saving power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His releasing power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His victorious power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His renewing power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His protecting power.
For whoever believes in the power of the Blood of Jesus,
nothing is impossible.
I praise the Blood of the Lamb that covers all my sins
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His forgiving power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His cleansing power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His saving power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His releasing power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His victorious power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His renewing power.
Praise be to the Blood of the Lamb in His protecting power.
For whoever believes in the power of the Blood of Jesus,
nothing is impossible.
I praise the Blood of the Lamb that covers all my sins
so that they can no longer be seen,
I praise the Blood of the Lamb that cleanses me from all my sins
I praise the Blood of the Lamb that cleanses me from all my sins
and makes me white as snow,
I praise the Blood of the Lamb that has power to free me
I praise the Blood of the Lamb that has power to free me
from all my bondages and chains of sin.
I praise the Blood of the Lamb that is stronger
I praise the Blood of the Lamb that is stronger
than my own sin-infested blood
and remoulds me into the image of God,
I praise the Blood of the Lamb that is victorious
over all powers that seek to oppress me,
over every power of the enemy.
I praise the Blood of the Lamb
I praise the Blood of the Lamb
that protects me from all the devious attacks of the enemy.
I praise the Blood of the Lamb
that prepares for me the bridal garment.
I praise the Blood of the Lamb
I praise the Blood of the Lamb
that makes all things new.
Hallelujah! Amen.
M. Basilea Schlink
as translated in Celtic Daily Prayer
For whoever believes
in the power of the Blood of Jesus,
in the power of the Blood of Jesus,
nothing is impossible.