Dear friends, beloved in the Lord, Thank you for your prayers. The biopsy of the right eye with the puncture and injection of antibiotics was successful, and the surgeon was very pleased with the samples obtained. Now we wait for the Methodist Hospital Pathology Department's report.
Before my MRI some days prior we spent time in the beautiful Ascension of the Lord Methodist Chapel at the hospital with its beautiful stained glass window above the Altar and to the side a beautiful Roman Catholic tabernacle where the Eucharistic Lord was present. I am deeply grateful to the Methodists for granting Roman Catholics a space in their beautiful chapel. For my part, I was almost overwhelmed by the sense of the Lord's Presence which stayed with me through the MRI of my eyes and brain and late into the day.
How shall I praise God for all the good He has done for me? He has brought me to the best and brightest of doctors, and God has held me so close to Him that His presence has overshadowed every fear, anxiety or concern. And during the tapping of the right eye with the various needles used, He held my hand and comforted me throughout the procedure.
From my heart I thank all of you for your prayers bidding the Lord to come and help me. While the result of the most recent MRI was the subject of many tears for me, I have had my confidence renewed (not by denial) but by the experience of the Divine Presence with me. I am not an orphan, nor am I without a people I call my own. You are that people who pray for me and gather me into your family of faith, and for that I pray God's blessings for you in every area of your life.

There is also a certain grace to having such procedures done in the early part of Holy Week. As my eye was pierced by the first needle, I could not help but think of our sinless Lord being pierced by thorn and by nail, and I asked Him to unite my experience to His, that it become something much more in His hands for the spread of the Gospel and the building up of His Kingdom.
May His Peace, given to us at such great cost, abide in all our hearts this Holy Week and Blessed Triduum.