27 September 2015



I was prepared to write a glowing report on the Mass today in Philadephia.  For the Mass itself and all those who worked together for the Divine Worship of the Eucharistic Lord, I praise the Blessed Trinity and ask His blessing upon them all.  I am especially grateful for the efforts and witness of the young Deacon who chanted the Gospel and the extremely gifted young woman who served as cantor.  

I am always grateful that such Masses are broadcast by EWTN.  But I lament that EWTN never learns to simply broadcast a Mass and to tell their host and commentators to shut up until the Mass is over at the conclusion of the 'processional out'.  Unfortunately, today EWTN and Raymond Arroyo and company have me in a state of high dudgeon over their breaking in to yammer during the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ.

To decide to talk during the distribution of Holy Communion is bad.  One could understand if they had Sister say a prayer for Spiritual Communion for those who could not receive, but Sister's lovely voice was not to be heard.  And no prayer was offered for those who would have benefitted from an act of Spiritual Communion.

What made it even worse is that Arroyo and company decided to start yammering during the singing of "You Satisfy the Hungry Heart" a hymn beloved by Catholics in the USA and originally written for that great Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia many years ago.  It is the Philadelphia Catholic Hymn of all hymns.  

For Arroyo to launch into his commentary was to underline Arroyo's and EWTN's consistent insensitivity to the nature of worship and the place of music within Holy Mass at these great Eucharistic events.

What made it even more appalling was that Arroyo and company decided to use the time to take apart (read: attack) an element in the Holy Father's homily as well as his style of leadership and manner of spontaneous speaking.  It was truly an appalling moment .... APPALLING ... and I am ashamed of EWTN and Raymond Arroyo for deciding to take apart and attack the Pope's words while Holy Mass was still being celebrated.

If they want to take apart the Holy Father's words on Arroyo's "World Over" show on EWTN, then go ahead.  Rip them apart and dissect them, but NOT during Holy Mass!  

To interrupt the singing of a great hymn by talking over it (and then talking right through another hymn "Taste and See") whilst engaging in critique, criticism and commentary during Holy Mass is simply beyond the Pale. 


