ALMIGHTY, eternal God, to Whom there is never any prayer made without hope of mercy, be merciful to the souls of Thy servants departed from this world in the confession of Thy name, that they may be associate to the company of Thy saints; through JESUS Christ our Lord. Amen.
WE COMMEND unto Thee, O Lord, the souls of Thy servants and handmaidens ( . . . ), and of all the faithful departed, that being dead to this world they may live to Thee : and whatsoever sins they have contracted through the frailty of their conversation in this world do Thou through the forgiveness of Thy most merciful pity wipe away.
QUICKEN, O LORD, our departed in Thy compassion, and set them at Thy right hand. Clothe them with excellent glory in Thy kingdom, and join them to the just and righteous who fulfil Thy will in Jerusalem which is above : O LORD of our death and of our life, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST for ever. Amen.
from Sursum Corda
A Handbook of Intercession and Thanksgiving
W.H. Frere and A.L. Illington
A Handbook of Intercession and Thanksgiving
W.H. Frere and A.L. Illington