To Prior Nicholas
Saint Catherine writes:
"Our King [she refers to Christ] behaves like a true knight who perseveres in battle until the enemies are defeated…. [W]ith unarmed hand, nailed fast to the cross, he defeated the prince of the world, with the wood of the holy cross as his mount. This knight of ours came armed with the breastplate of Mary’s flesh, flesh that bore the blows to make up for our wickedness. The helmet on his head is the painful crown of thorns, driven right into his brain. The sword at his side is the wound of his side, revealing to us the secret of his heart; it is a sword with a point of light that ought to pierce our inmost heart with the force of love. The staff in his hand is there in mockery. And the gloves on his hands and spurs on his feet are the scarlet wounds in the hands and feet of this gentle loving Word."
Compassionate Blood: Catherine of Siena On the Passion
Romanus Cessario O.P.