24 May 2017

A Prayer to Jesus by Thalassios the Lybian


Христос Вседержитель
Христос Вседержитель
by the hand of Vasnetsov

as you looked down upon us once before,
look down upon us again.
As you intended your incarnation for our salvation—
for you came to save us who were lost—
so now do not close us out of the company of the saved.
Raise up our souls and save our bodies.
Cleanse us all from every wickedness.
Liberate us from our obsessive desires, Lord,
and let us worship you alone in the eternal light.
Let us rise up from the dead
and dance in that blessed, eternal,
and unbreakable ring
our dancing with the angels.

Saint Thalassios the Lybian 

Baptistry, San Giovanni, Florence