30 May 2019

A Collect for the Feast of the Visitation

The Kalendar of the Western Church prior to Vatican II observed the Feast of the Visitation on the 2nd of July, Today most Western Churches follow the post-Vatican II calendar with the feast observed on the 31st of May.

Abridged from the Sarum Collect for July 2

O GOD, who didst prompt the most holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of thine only begotten Son, to visit the blessed Elisabeth, for a mutual joy and strengthening in thee, mercifully grant, that being protected from all adversities and in the bonds of faith with thy whole Church, we may enjoy the grace of thy perpetual visitation ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The People's Missal
(Anglican drawing from Sarum and other Uses)
The Revd E. A. L. Clarke, A.K.C