And that it be not disturbed by terrors of the night, sanctify it by the unseen touch of thy hand. Amen.
Make the frail stalwart, lift up the contrite, make the weak strong. Raise up by piety, build up by charity, purify by chastity, illuminate by wisdom, save by pity. Amen.
Let watchful faith win the reward of constancy in thy love, temperance of habit, providence in mercy, discipline of conduct. Amen.
In thy merciful compassion shut not out from the splendour of thy promise, but lead to pardon, him who thou hast made thine own by grace. Amen.
Gothic Missal
Eucharistic Prayers from the Ancient Liturgies
Evelyn Underhill
Eucharistic Prayers from the Ancient Liturgies
Evelyn Underhill