What praises can we bring God
the very Source of Praise?
A godly life and sober
with love throughout our days!
To love the Lord completely
and self and neighbour too --
such anthems of life are pleasing
to God and justly due.
Great Lord of all creation,
we lift both heart and mind
with saints and angels singing
dear Father of our kind.
We beg forgiveness for our sins
Christ's blood we plead and claim.
Renew us in love to live for thee,
to praise thy holy Name.
O God the Son of Mary
free us from sin and strife
Nourish and purify us
who drink thy Cup of Life.
As mothers feed their children
growing safely in the womb,
Thy body and blood do feed us
to shatter death's dark tomb.
O Spirit of God most holy
thou art our life and light.
Into the stature of Our Lord
thou guidest us aright.
O lead us into holiness
and purity of heart
that with the saints of every age
we stand and do our part.
O blessed Trinity of love
thy ways are not our own.
Now turning from the night of sin
we shine before thy throne.
Our souls we here present to thee.
Our lives do thou employ.
To praise and magnify thy Name.
We lift our hearts in joy.
Words: Copyright © 1998, 2005 by Vincent Uher. All rights reserved.
Music: Ellacombe
Meter: 76 76 D