11 June 2013

For Christmastide and other feasts

All glory be to God on high!
Peace, laud, and joy be our reply
To angels singing in the sky.
Praise Jesus Christ, true light from light.
Tender his love and great his might,
Christ Jesus, Saviour, our delight.

O Word and Widsom, thee we name,
Jesus the infant, God the same.
Praise and all worship to thy Name.
Son of blest Mary, spotless Lamb,
High Priest most holy, Great I AM,
Receive our lives into thy hand.

Praise God for Joseph, sainted man,
Brave Guardian of God’s saving plan,
Protector of the God-made-man.
Praise God for Mary Mother true,
Faithful to Jesus her life through,
Mother of God, our Mother too.

Lord Jesus Christ, most holy Lord,
With thy blest Spirit be adored
In God’s own glory here outpoured.
Joy not to hear thine infant cries!
Hope of the simple and the wise!
Love from all souls to thee arise!

© 2008 by Vincent Uher

TUNE: OLD 113th (O Mensch, bewein), 
Strassburger Kirchenamt, 1525