05 March 2017

Anglican Patrimony: Prayer of Intercession (1966 USA)


The Prayer of Intercession printed below was a major revision and re-conception of the Prayer for the Whole State of Christ's Church in the eucharistic liturgy of The Book of Common Prayer 1928 (USA). 

This particular Prayer of Intercession participated with other efforts in the Anglican Communion to transform The Prayer for the Whole State of Christ's Church into a Litany. It also took inspiration from the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, a constant source for Anglican liturgical revision from the time of Dr. Cranmer to late 20th century revisions of The Book of Common Prayer.  

This Prayer of Intercession was included in The New Liturgy 1966 of The Episcopal Church of the USA, a major step in liturgical revision leading to The Book of Common Prayer 1979 (USA):


In peace, let us pray to the Lord:

For the peace from above, for the salvation of mankind: that righteousness, mercy, and truth may prevail among all peoples and nations,
Hear us, good Lord.

For the well-being of thy holy Catholic Church in every place: that thou wilt confirm it in the truth of thy holy Word, and grant to all Christians to live in unity, love, and concord,
Hear us, good Lord.

For Bishops and other Ministers, especially for N., our Presiding Bishop, N (N)., our Bishop(s), and those who serve thee in this place: that both by their life and teaching, they may set forth thy true and life-giving Word, and faithfully administer thy holy Sacraments,
Hear us, good Lord.

For all who bear authority in this and every land, and especially for the President of the United States [or, of this Nation]: that in thy holy fear they may govern the peoples in wisdom, justice, and peace.
Hear us, good Lord.

For all who spread the Gospel among the nations, and who minister to the suffering, the friendless, and the needy: that they may have strength and courage to fulfill thy holy will,
Hear us, good Lord.

For all who labour in commerce and industry, especially those whose work is dangerous or burdensome; for all who are engaged in the arts and sciences, and those who teach and study in schools of good learning; for all who keep house and train children: that they may be worthy of their calling to serve thee and their fellow men, 
Hear us, good Lord.

For those who farm the fields and tend the woods; for all who gather the harvest of the lands and of the waters; and for our faithful use of thy creative bounty: that mankind, being delivered from famine and disaster, may acknowledge thy glory in all thy works,
Hear us, good Lord.

[Here may be inserted any particular bidding, according to times and occasions, or at the special request of the Congregation.
For ____________, and more especially ____________: that they may ____________, according to thy will, 
Hear us, good Lord.]

For all who in this transitory life are in danger, trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity [and especially for thy servants NN.]: that they may have comfort and relief according to their necessities, 
Hear us, good Lord.

For all thy people, and especially those who worship in this place: that with faith, reverence, and godly fear, they may serve thee with a glad mind and ready will all the days of their life,
Hear us, good Lord.

Have mercy upon us, most merciful Lord, and deliver us from all affliction, strife, and catastrophe: in thy compassion forgive us all our sins and failures, known and unknown, things done and left undone: and so uphold us by thy Spirit, that we may end our days in peace, trusting in thy mercy at the Day of Judgement,
Hear us, good Lord.

We commend to thy keeping all thy servants departed this life in thy faith and fear [and especially thy servant(s), N (N).]: that thou wilt grant them mercy, light and peace. May we with all thy saints [and especially N., whose faith and devotion we commemorate this day], be partakers of thine everlasting kingdom: through the mercies and merits of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Advocate.

To thee be honour, glory, and dominion, now and forever. Amen.
