O HOLY Ghost, my Lord and my God, who hast over-shadowed the Blessed Virgin Mary and formed the most holy humanity of my Saviour Jesus Christ, I adore thee, and acknowledge here in thy divine presence, that I am nothing and can do nothing without thee. Come, thou blessed Spirit of God, and dwell in this soul that longs to be thy holy temple. Heal the lurking distemper of my heart and infuse thy grace into the well-springs of my life.
O Holy Ghost, grant me the gift of wisdom and supernatural light, that I may not only know God, his infinite goodness, power, and beauty, but also taste with ardent joy of heart his infinite sweetness.
O Holy Ghost, grant me the gift of understanding and shining light, that I may know the mysteries of faith and of heavenly things, not as in darkness, but in the true light of thy wisdom filling my mind and heart.
O Holy Ghost, grant me the gift of counsel and brilliant light, that in danger and doubt I may choose what is right and good, and under thy guidance attain a happy end.
O Holy Ghost, grant me the gift of counsel and brilliant light, that in danger and doubt I may choose what is right and good, and under thy guidance attain a happy end.
O Holy Ghost, grant me the gift of fortitude and comforting light, that I may generously overcome all difficulties in the way of salvation, resisting all temptations, and bearing patiently all the troubles and trials of this life.
O Holy Ghost, grant me the gift of knowledge and discerning light, that I may judge of all things according to their true worth, and despise what is to be despised and love what is to be loved.
O Holy Ghost, grant me the gift of godliness and heavenly light, which may penetrate my soul with a tender devotion to thee and love for thy divine service, and also cause me to find happiness in practising good works.
O Holy Ghost, grant me the gift of the fear of God and penetrating light, that I may recognise how greatly sin offends thine infinite majesty, and may fear and most carefully avoid all that is displeasing to thee. Amen.
from St. Augustine's Prayer Book
(Anglican/Episcopalian, USA)
+Laus Deo!
(Anglican/Episcopalian, USA)
+Laus Deo!