On the internet one of the best Catholic Blogs is Vultus Christi by Dom Mark Daniel Kirby, OSB. If you don't know it, you will want to add it to your regular spiritual reading on the net.
Today the Father Prior has a beautiful post about a Mass he celebrated in Dublin at the Eucharistic Conference. Some background: he is committed to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and its Liturgical books. His focus is the worship of the Holy Face of Jesus revealed as the Eucharistic Face of the Lord in the Consecrated Host at our Masses and at Adoration. I hope I have said that well. He is not a political man. He welcomes all, but he will not be a portavox for extreme views, unofficial apparitions and the like. He is a priest of the Church and that is what he is.
I have been blessed by correspondence with him, and I learned one of the most important lessons of my life through his generous welcome of me to his community for a visit. I had hoped to stay but circumstances conspired to put me on another path. I am grateful for every minute spent on the grounds of Silverstream Priory and in Fr. Kirby's presence.
They need benefactors. Can you donate via PayPal? Would you like to send a tax deductible contribution in the USA? These things are possible. If you have little money, trust me every widow's mite is needed and will be put to good use. If you are wealthy, please make your $5 million dollar donation today!!!
Visit the Silverstream Priory website HERE.
+Dico vobis, gaudium est angelis Dei ...