Bread of Salvation
heaven sent to earth,
Chalice of our redemption
and new birth!
Covenants sealed
by blood in ages past
broke we betraying God
whom we loved last.
Yet God's own mercy flowed,
and we must tell —
a chosen daughter
met by God's angel.
'Hail, full of grace!
Your child shall be adored.'
'Here I am,' Mary said,
'to serve the Lord.'
Mary our Mother
gave her very blood
to bring to birth
our Saviour and our God.
Jesus Redeemer,
Mary and God's Son,
dying upon the cross
Salvation won.
Flesh from his Mother,
water and the blood
gushed forth to save us all
for Life in God.
New Covenant
he sealed with his own Blood.
"Remember me
and drink my Cup of Love."
Taste and believe
the goodness of the Lord –
His Body, and his Blood
for you outpoured.
Words: Copyright © 1997-2007 by Vincent Uher. All rights reserved.
Music: Song 46
Meter: 10 10
Song 46 is the only tune for this text. The marriage of words and music is a blessed one that none should put asunder. The words were written while in preparation for the Annunciation, March 25th.