On the Occasion of the Birthday of Fr. James T. Moore, Ph.D
O Living Lord,
In thine own Mother thou didst rule and reign.
Nine months her womb all heaven did contain.
Thou heaven’s Lord, within her flesh sustained —
Her blood, thy grain.
Come down from heav’n,
O Bread of Angels by her milk once fed,
For thee we hunger, Thou our Living Bread.
Thy precious Blood to sinners, pray, extend,
O Life without end.
Light of the world,
Star of the morning, Sun of righteousness,
From thy pure Chalice we taste holiness.
By thine own flesh our souls and bodies bless,
Divine Presence.
O Mary’s Son,
Blest be thy Father, Maker of all things.
“Blest be thy Spirit, “ all creation sings.
Blest our redemption! Let all bells now ring
For Christ the King.
Copyright © 2006 by Vincent Uher
This may be sung to the tune Ora Labora