God, do you hear our prayers
Or answer what we pray?
Sometimes it feels as if we are alone today.
So now we seek to understand
Your silence and your outstretched hand.
Waiting is not our strength
While fears or anger rise.
When illness strikes or when one of our people dies,
Our hearts are stirred by loss and grief,
And hope seems stolen by a thief.
Yet what we learned we know
And here we must proclaim
That no disaster breaks the power of that great Name
Of Jesus Christ who has endured
All that we suffered or deserved.
When You in silence speak
Help us then to rephrase
Our prayers and pattern them to follow Jesus' ways.
So now we dare as did Your Son
to pray Your perfect will be done.
Words: Copyright © 2001 by Vincent Uher. All rights reserved.
Tune: Love Unknown (Ireland)