Moses Draws Water From the Rock
Saint Edmund Church, Downham Market, Norfolk, England
Lord Jesus Christ, lead us, your little flock.
We all would journey to your promised land.
Increase our faith to trust you, Christ our Rock,
whose living waters quench the deserts' thirst.
Now to those waters guide us by your hand.
We do confess our selfish, prideful ways
serving our own wants not our neighbours' need.
Yet at this hour we turn from yesterdays
and sing a new song full of faith and hope.
Do, Lord, forgive and wash us clean indeed.
Our hearts' own treasure and our highest joy,
Jesus, we praise you, Saviour and our Lord.
Our souls and bodies, all our lives employ.
We sacrifice to you our wealth and power.
May what we give help others find you, Lord.
In that new city coming from above,
Lord, to your high feast we would gladly come.
For that great day, the triumph of your love,
we stand on guard with all your angels now.
Lord Christ, we pray to see your kingdom come.