Jesus, Son of Mary,
David's heir, we praise thee.
King and High Priest, we acclaim thee
Splendour of the heavens
As a tiny baby,
Child divine of our dear Lady.
Earth doth stand
In thy hand
Past and future holding,
Love and grace enfolding.
Jesus, raised by Joseph,
Master of construction,
Artist and source of instruction.
Worker of great wonders,
To life raising Lazarus,
Bearer of our sins and sadness.
Nails and cross,
Blood and loss
Sacrifice and mystery.
Masterpiece of mercy.
Jesus Christ, now risen,
In thy mercy listen
To our needs and each petition
Show us how to serve thee
At this urgent hour.
How we need thy grace and power!
Earth still spins,
Mired in sins,
People God-defying.
Innocents are crying.
Jesus, good Physician,
Heal thy Church we pray thee.
By thy Blood defend her daily.
Purify the nations.
Cleanse the ranks of shepherds.
Wash away all false endeavors.
Let us be
One with thee,
Will and purpose pleasing,
Heart and soul appealing.
Words: Copyright © 2002 Vincent Uher. All rights reserved.
Tune: Tysk
Meter: 668 668 666