Christ be our sure foundation.
Christ be our cornerstone.
Build up from every nation
a people of your own.
Blest through your font of mercy,
blest be each living stone
of faith alive in witness
Fair Christ, by all be known.
The art of Christian living
adorns each day like dawn,
the work of Christ the Master
through people weak and strong.
Those hurt hands fashion wonders
with thorns, wood, nails and sin
till we shine like church windows,
bright Light of Christ within.
Beyond the words of sages,
more sure than scholars' claims,
You are the one who answers
and knows us by our names.
You know how we are tempted
to doubt and lose our way.
Be first in all our thinking
and last at end of day.
O Jesus, ever near us,
uplifting us through fears,
your tender mercies give us
the strength to stand through tears.
Your pow'rful arms embrace us
when we are at our end.
Christ, carry us to safety
with you all time to spend.