I left the following as a comment on Vultus Christi, Father Mark Daniel Kirby's blog, and thought it was worth repeating here:
Courage, dear brothers and sisters! Even if our Holy Father Pope Benedict were the only light in the darkness, that darkness cannot overcome that light nor can it diminish it. And in addition to our Holy Father there remain among the clergy and religious many brilliant lights burning with the glory of Heaven. Think for a moment of those lights and the lights among the laity and how the darkness can never overcome the Light of Christ all over this beautiful and troubled world. Father Mark is one of these great lights, and even though some of us may feel like a dimly burning wick, Christ promises never to put out even a dimly burning wick. Remember, the darkness cannot diminish even a dimly burning wick.
Let us shine before the Lord with His Light, and let us do so in confidence. And everywhere we go let us leave the encouragement of the Holy Ghost with friend and stranger, priest and pauper, bishop and Pope!
O Christ our Light, the one true Eternal Flame, behold thy Bride the Church, surrounded and assaulted, infiltrated and distressed, and visit Her with the radiance of thy Holy Face that all darkness and every evil be cast out from Her good company of faithful people, devout religious and her anointed priests so that She be ready at thy soon-appearing with lamps alight and hearts raised up; for thy tender mercies' sake. Amen.
+Laus Deo