24 March 2019

Repost of Uher Hymn: O Christ the King


A reader kindly asked that I post again the text of my hymn for the 2nd Sunday in Lent (which was last Sunday).  I wrote this text with the tune SINE NOMINE in mind.  (The tune is most often sung to the the text "For All the Saints".) When sung in Lent, the final line is "Praise_ to Jesus! All praise and glory!"  If it is sung in Eastertide, the final line can be "Alleluia. Alleluia."

O Christ the King, the royal banners rise.
Thy Cross, thy standard we raise to the skies,
And hail thee, “Lord!” and bow before thine eyes.
Praise_ to Jesus! All praise and glory!

Transfigured thou upon the mountain’s height
Revealed the glory of the Bridegroom’s face
And showed to them thy purpose and thy Light.
Praise_ to Jesus! All praise and glory!

The Cross, thy throne where thou wast lifted high
Embracing all the broken world’s dark heart
Till blood and water gushed when pierced was thine.
Praise_ to Jesus! All praise and glory!

Death could not hold thee, nor a tomb contain,
O Love and Life, who now from heav’n dost reign,
The King of kings, the Lord who healeth pain.
Praise_ to Jesus! All praise and glory!

Copyright © 2006 by Vincent Uher,
Lenten version Copyright © 2007 by Vincent Uher
This text may be sung to the tune Sine Nomine

The text may also be rendered as follows and sung to the hymn tune UNDE ET MEMORES (Monk):

O CHRIST the King, the royal banners rise.
Thy Cross, thy standard we raise to the skies,
And hail thee, “Lord!” whom all shall recognise
God's glory shining from the Bridegroom’s face,
 Transfigured once upon the mountain’s height,
Reveal to all thy purpose and thy Light.

The Cross, thy throne where thou wast lifted high
Thou didst embrace the broken world’s dark heart
Till blood and water gushed when pierced was thine.
Death could not hold thee, nor a tomb contain,
O Love and Life, who now from heav’n dost reign,
The King of kings, the Lord who healeth pain.

Suggested Tune: Unde et memores (Monk) 10.10.10.D
Copyright © 2014 by Vincent W. Uher III