26 May 2008

Memorial Day, U.S.A.

They shall never be forgotten.

Let us pray for all the men and women who have died having served the people of the United States by their military service. Let us pray especially for those who laid down their lives as Christ died for His friends. Let us pray for those who for the sake of the nation have had to bear the scars of warfare both upon their bodies and minds. And let us especially remember all of those American families who have lost a family member during faithful service to the nation in the Armed Forces. May God fill the emptiness of such loss, and may the Lord of Life speak 'Mercy' over the souls of all those we remember this day.

I ask everyone to especially pray for the Most Rev Timothy Paul Broglio, Military Ordinary, and the priests serving as chaplains in the Armed Forces of the USA. Let us never fail to praise God for and to pray for the souls of those priests who served in time past, whose valiance and faithfulness have been remembered by generations upon generations of service men and women.

Servant of God, Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us.