04 July 2012

Lost Marriage Prayers, 1549

A form not used,  found in a Bishop's notes for the U.S. 1928 Book of Common Prayer; being substantially that from the First Book of Common Prayer, 1549

This prayer is a masterful enhancement of the great prayer from the 1549 Book of Common Prayer.  As it is, the rubrics of the new Personal Ordinariates' Marriage Rite permit "Prayers of the People" without providing a form for Marriage.  I offer this to be one of the prayers used at that point, and I hope that the newly ordained clergy will embrace it and make use of it.

O GOD of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, bless these thy servants, and sow the seed of eternal life in their minds, souls, and bodies, that whatsoever in thy Holy Word they shall profitably learn: they may indeed fulfill the same.  Look mercifully upon them from heaven, O Lord, and bless them:  And as thou didst send thine Archangel Raphael to Tobit and Sara, the daughter of Raguel, to their great aid and comfort; so vouchsafe to send thy blessing upon these thy servants, that obeying thy will and alway dwelling in safety under thy protection, they may be compassed about by thy Heavenly Host and abide in thy love unto their lives’ end : through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen.

I would have offered this to the liturgical working group for consideration as a fixed prayer for the Marriage Rite, but I was told flatly that my help was not wanted and I should pray for the efforts of those "doing the work of the Ordinariate".  Seeing the results in the first two authorised forms, they should have told me to pray and fast.  

+Let no one rend asunder.