05 July 2012


Some who subscribe will have received drafts of posts my automatic publisher delivered before they were ready.

In any event, if you receive my posts via e-mail, regard them merely as a draft, dear reader.  The final form is on the blog.

I cannot shut off the automatic text editor it seems.  When I type "incardinated", it insists on changing it to "incarnated".  Some other changes have been positively hilarious ... if one has a sense of humour.

Yes, I do not like Rubric No. 2 and No. 3.  of the new rites.  A post on this went out before it was finished and certainly reads as though I have lost my mind.  I didn't get to finish it, and rather than belabour the point, I withdraw it entirely.

Rubric No. 2 and 3 should be one rubric and cast in terms of the rights of the Laity to their proper liturgical forms.  No one is thinking how this should be done.  The point of reference is simply the Ordained clergy.  

Yes, rubric No. 2 does seem to exist to prevent the "Protestant contagion" from spreading.  

Ah well, this is likely my last post on the new liturgies of the Ordinariates and probably my last post on the Ordinariates themselves.  ... What? Did I hear cheering? ;-)    I'll be back.  I have much to say about the Anglican Patrimony and that is a far broader subject than the Ordinariate Project, and I will try to sum up my thoughts on the Ordinariate rite as succinctly as I can.

One can only do so much on a blog, and I have tried to do what I thought was most important i.e., expose a deeply flawed process involving the implementation of Anglicanorum coetibus and in particular with the liturgical rites being 'created'.  It is now up to the rest of you to keep asking the questions and questioning the answers being given.

As Gamaliel would say, if the thing is of God it will prosper, and I certainly hope these Ordinariates will prosper.  But I also hope that what is not of God will perish in the darkness where it dwells.