12 June 2016

Prayer of the Church

From a Services Book of King's College Chapel

THOU that art the hope of all the ends of the earth: remember all thy creation for good; visit the world with thy compassion. Thou preserver and lover of mankind: remember all, and on all have mercy, O Lord.

REMEMBER thy holy Church that is from one end of the earth to the other, and pacify her which Thou hast purchased with thy precious blood, and stablish her even unto the end of the world. Remember every human soul afflicted and oppressed and struggling and needing thy mercy and succour: and our brethren that are in captivities and in prisons and bonds and bitter thraldoms: supplying return to the wanderers, health to the sick, deliverance to the captives, and rest to them that have fallen asleep aforetime.

AND them that we have not remembered by reason of ignorance or forgetfulness or multitude of names, thyself remember, O God, which knowest the age and appellation of each, which knowest every one from his mother’s womb. For Thou, O Lord, art the succour of the succourless, and the hope of them that are past hope, the saviour of the tempest-tossed, the harbour of the voyagers, the physician of the sick; Thyself become all things to all men, which knowest each one and his petition, each house and its needs.

REMEMBER, O Lord God, all spirits and all flesh, whom we have remembered and whom we have remembered not, from righteous Abel unto this day that now is. And for us, direct the end of our lives to be Christian, well-pleasing, and if it please Thee, painless in peace, gathering us together under the feet of thine elect, when Thou wilt and as Thou wilt, only without shame and sin.

Priest   LORD in thy mercy,
All      Hear our prayer.

Priest   GRANT this our prayer for the sake of thy Son, 
         our Saviour Jesus Christ.

All     Amen.
Lancelot Andrewes, pray for us.