13 July 2012

Fr. Frederic King, CR: Blessing of the Faithful

May the Love of God keep you,
May the Blood of Christ cleanse you,
May the Holy Spirit sanctify and confirm you,
May the prayers of Blessed Mary 
and all the Saints strengthen and support you,
And the Blessing of God almighty, + the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be upon you and abide with you for ever. Amen.

The blessing or benediction above may be remembered by some of us if we heard the great mission-preacher Fr. Frederic King of the Community of the Resurrection pronounce this blessing over us at the end of a mission-service. It is a benediction unique to the Anglican liturgical patrimony, and  I would hope that the clergy of the Anglican diaspora would remember it and make use of it on occasion. Likewise, I would hope that composers of future liturgical orders would include it in their books.   I offer it to you, dear Reader, for your consideration and use.  A lay person may conclude the day before sleep by saying this benediction as follows:

May the Love of God keep us,
May the Blood of Christ cleanse us,
May the Holy Spirit sanctify and confirm us,
May the prayers of Blessed Mary 
and all the Saints strengthen and support us,
And the Blessing of God almighty + the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost be upon us and abide with us for ever. Amen.