04 July 2012

Homily Excerpt: Ordination and Communion


Heartfelt Congratulations to Fr. Andrew Bartus on his Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood

From Msgr. Jeffrey's Steenson homily on July 3rd for Fr. Andrew Bartus' ordination in California:
"There is a remarkable passage in Pope John Paul II's great letter, Pastores dabo vobis (43), which serves as the foundation for the formation of priests.  I offer this to our brother Andrew, who is to be ordained a priest.  But I invite all who are coming to full communion this morning to let these words speak to them:
" “In order that his ministry may be humanly as credible and acceptable as possible, it is important that the priest should mold his human personality in such a way that it becomes a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting with Jesus Christ the Redeemer of humanity.”  He is called “… to be a ‘man of communion.’  This demands that the priest not be arrogant, or quarrelsome, but affable, hospitable, sincere in his words and heart, prudent and discreet, generous and ready to serve, capable of opening himself to clear and brotherly relationships and of encouraging the same in others, and quick to understand, forgive and console.” "

The above is just a quote from Msgr. Steenson's homily but it is a very important point and well worth remembering by all priests, including a priest with jurisdiction.  I encourage you to read the homily because Msgr. Steenson brings his gifts as a historian to his preaching in a way that is very rare in the Church today.  Aside from that it is simply a marvellous homily.  Read it here.  

But what laity need most of all from their priests is holiness, a true holiness that gives no quarter to lies, half truths, secrets, false witness, and intentional deception.  HOLINESS.  Without holiness and the seeking after holiness, the priest is just an agent for an institution and a functionary for a company.

+Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.