05 September 2015

Called to be Holy Novena Book


Earlier this year in May during the Called to be Holy novena, Antonia Lyn and Scott Anderson prepared for the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham an excellent novena book drawn from English spiritual writers with mostly original collects by themselves.  The effort was outstanding in my opinion and shows well how the Anglican patrimony can be employed for devotional and sanctifying use in the Catholic Church.

In mentioning this wee book recently to an American friend in the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, her response was that "it was over".  I understood her meaning as it had been prepared for a particular period of time that was now past.

But I would express the opinion that the Called to be Holy Novena Book prepared by Lyn and Anderson should be used with some sort of regular or annual use.  I view it as a very important development alongside the creation of the various liturgical resources for the Ordinariates now arising such as the new (and exceptionally beautiful) Divine Worship Missal.

Perhaps those elsewhere in the world would prefer to take inspiration from the idea of their work and prepare new novena booklets drawn from the Anglican patrimony brought with us into the Catholic Church. ... That would indeed be wonderful to see.

For my part I live far from any celebration of the Ordinariate Mass, and I find much consolation in a little novena book like this.  

For those interested, the novena book may be downloaded in .PDF file format at this link.
