A Prayer in time of war.from The Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland
God of infinite mercy, we trust in your good purposes of peace for all your children. We pray for those who at this time face danger in the defence of justice. Watch over those in peril; support those who are anxious for loved ones; gather into your eternal purpose those who will die. Remove from the hearts of all people the passions that keep alive the spirit of war, and in your goodness restore peace among us; for the sake of the Prince of peace, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
A Prayer that the Will of God may prevail.
from The Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland
A Prayer for Guidance and Protection.
from The Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland
God of light and love, in your tender compassion you sent your Son to shine on those who sit in darkness and to guide our feet into the way of peace. Grant us, in our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what you would have us do. By your Spirit of wisdom, save us from false choices. And since it is by your light that we are enlightened, lead us and protect us, and give us a straight path to follow, that we may neither stumble nor fall; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.